OvrC User Settings

The user page displays general information about your user account across the top of the page. This information cannot be changed.

If any information is incorrect, ask an account admin to add a new user with the correct information, then delete the user with incorrect information.

Note: Read How to transfer ownership of an OvrC account to edit owner accounts.

You can edit various account and notification settings, such as dark theme, two-factor authentication, and whether or not you receive push or email notifications.

Click Save to apply changes.

Securing your OvrC account

Enable Two-Factor Authentication then click Verification Code Settings.

Verify your phone number and select how you'd like to receive a verification code. Click Save & Send Test Code and verify that you received the code at the proper address.

Securing a compromised account

Click Known Devices and verify each listed device listed yours. Click the trash icon to remove a specific device or click Revoke All to log out of OvrC on all devices.

Note: Each browser you sign into OvrC on appears as a separate device.

Click the user icon in the upper right corner to change your password.

Global Notification Settings

Use each toggle to customize how you receive notifications (by email or push notifications through the OvrC app) or to disable notifications entirely. You can also toggle which type of device events send you a notification. The options are:

  • When a device reconnects to the OvrC cloud.

  • When a device disconnects from the OvrC cloud.

  • When a device enters a limited state.

Read Understanding device statuses for more information on limited states.

Note: Use the Customer List and Device tabs to enable notifications per Customer and device.